Create Equirectangular Panorama with Bryce
360° x 180° equirectangular panorama created with Bryce.
Bryce panorama, Flash Panorama, HEAMEDIA 2015
Bryce document and camera setup
Render each image in 1296 x 1296 px and save them as TIF files
Deactivate "Link Sun to View"
Set the Camera & 2D Projection like the image below where the important part is FOV 112.5 and Scale 100%
Render 6 images using the Rotate angles as specified below
Name | Name / view | Rot. X | Rot. Y | Rot. Z |
_FR | front | 0 | 0 | 0 |
_RT | right | 0 | 90 | 0 |
_BK | back | 0 | 180 | 0 |
_LF | left | 0 | -90 | 0 |
_UP | up | -90 | 0 | 0 |
_DN | down | 90 | 0 | 0 |
Resulting views
Front | Right | Back |
Left | Up | Down |
Use Hugin on a Linux desktop machine
Install Hugin (I'm using Ubuntu)
sudo apt-get install hugin enblend autopano-sift-c panini
If that is not working, try
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:hugin/hugin-builds
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install hugin enblend autopano-sift-c panini
Install stich scripts and other tools
sudo cpan
cpan[1]> install Panotools::Script
Put your six rendered images in a text file "Cubic3EquiNona.txt"
p f2 w4096 h2048 v360 E0 R0 T n"TIFF c:NONE"
m g1 i2 f0 m2
o w1296 h1296 f0 p0 r0 t0 v90 y0 u10 m0 n"box03_fr.tif"
o w1296 h1296 f0 p0 r0 t0 v90 y90 u10 m0 n"box03_rt.tif"
o w1296 h1296 f0 p0 r0 t0 v90 y180 u10 m0 n"box03_bk.tif"
o w1296 h1296 f0 p0 r0 t0 v90 y270 u10 m0 n"box03_lf.tif"
o w1296 h1296 f0 p90 r0 t0 v90 y0 u10 m0 n"box03_up.tif"
o w1296 h1296 f0 p270 r0 t0 v90 y0 u10 m0 n"box03_dn.tif"
Run this command from the command line
nona -o Skybox3_Pano_Equi.tif Cubic3EquiNona.txt