What is the image of a region ?
Strangers are looking for alternatives
Who are watching us,
provoking our own insecurities
We must protect ourselves
Away with them creepy shadows
I'm afraid of the not known
We can not use our "Instant instamatic's", take a pictures, and think that others will see what we know. It must be rewritten. It must be put into context, given a form that can communicate across borders
We are looked upon by someone else without knowing it.
"We do not really know their intentions, but we think they are good. They might bring Elvis"
How do we greet them?
What is the questions we should ask?
What would we like to have answers to?
Could the answers affect us in any way?
Is there anything we can learn?
Be curious !
The Image of Dalarna
Mind game: "Headlines" and "Åke - an alien"
Facts and observations
... the temperature was increased by five degrees when he went from there ...
Imagine the mind game
As an empathetic individual and open-minded explorer, you are open to embracing new ideas and venturing into the unknown, seeking unique experiences and hidden truths. Siljansringen, an ancient meteor impact crater located in Sweden, becomes the center of your adventure.
You and your companions, each with your own unique perspectives and beliefs, gather at Siljansringen with excitement and anticipation. Legends have it that the meteor that created the crater brought with it the seeds of life, sparking a chain of events that led to the development of life on Earth. The mystical energy and history of this place fuel your curiosity and desire to uncover the secrets of our origins.
Together, you embark on a journey around the edges of the crater, visiting the surrounding towns and villages, learning about local folklore and ancient stories passed down through generations. You delve into the geological history of the area, searching for clues that might help you unravel the mystery of life's beginnings.
As you traverse the picturesque landscapes and forests of Siljansringen, you find yourselves in awe of nature's beauty, pondering the interconnectedness of all living beings. You experience moments of serendipity and synchronicity, encountering people and events that seem to be guiding you deeper into the mystery.
Your adventure is filled with challenges, introspection, and personal growth. As an empathetic individual, you embrace the emotional journey, allowing yourself to be vulnerable and open to new experiences. As an open-minded explorer, you question conventional wisdom, seeking alternative explanations and hidden truths.
Ultimately, your journey around Siljansringen brings you closer to your companions and to a deeper understanding of the vastness and complexity of life. The adventure may not provide definitive answers, but it does leave you with a profound appreciation for the wonder of existence and the importance of remaining open to the endless possibilities that life has to offer.
Just imagine
Preliminary investigations
Mary, The Witness

A journey into the unthought known
We were searching, and finally found what we were looking for. We where then told that it was here it all started. It was here where all life on earth began

More witnesses
Örjan, The Historian

Why is it that we are always afraid of change ?
Concept – A Mind Game
The concept was a starting point and a way of trying to access and open the mind (the opportunity mind). Aliens was a mind game and a tool to talk about our relationship to the unknown and the possible, basis for discussion about xenophobia, question immigrants if they may provide clues as to how it feels to be an alien.
Hans E Andersson - 2005